NDIS Disability Driving Program

NDIS Disability Driving Program

Empowering Independence through Comprehensive Driver Training

Is learning to drive one of your NDIS Goals? Perhaps you are looking to be more independent? NDIS funding can be used to pay for driving lessons for people with disabilities under “Improved Daily Living”. 

As a registered NDIS provider, Mel Moores Driving School is dedicated to delivering comprehensive driver training tailored to individuals with NDIS funding. Operating across the Wollongong region, our specialised program offers unparalleled support and guidance.

an instructor teaching a woman how to drive

Our instructor has received specialised training in line with NDIS Guidelines, ensuring a professional and personalised approach to address the unique needs of our clients. We recognise that driving is more than a skill; it's a gateway to independence and freedom.

With a proven track record of assisting countless NDIS clients, our specialised driving program has turned dreams into reality. Join us on a journey where driving becomes a tool for empowerment and achieving aspirations. Your road to independence starts here.

Any lessons cancelled within 24hrs of the booking time may encounter a cancellation fee (cancellation fee is the full cost of the lesson).

Meet Our NDIS Driving Instructor

Meet our friendly and passionate NDIS driving instructor at

Mel Moore’s Driving School.


Brad (Auto Cars) 

Albion Park

With over 10 years’ experience working with under privileged and special needs, I’ve come to love helping people learn new skills, learning manual not only adds to a student’s driving senses but also provides more options with cars and career choices down the track.


Become a Better, Safer and Smarter Driver with Mel Moore’s Driving School

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